Read this if you are Planning to Practice Yoga Regularly

Read this if you are Planning to Practice Yoga Regularly

If you are planning to practice yoga regularly, then this article is for you. Do pay attention. Each school of yoga...
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Massage: A natural need of our body
health and fitness

Massage: A natural need of our body

Natural food items not only provide good health but also help us fight diseases and its ill effects. Similarly, massage, pressure...
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Know about Swar Yoga: The Science of Sound

Know about Swar Yoga: The Science of Sound

With the sound of inhalation and exhalation, one of the five elements from fire, air, earth, water, ether is present. Usually,...
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About inhaling and exhaling from the nostrils
health and fitness

About inhaling and exhaling from the nostrils

We all know about the inhaling and exhaling from the nostrils. If you have read about all the external and bodily...
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Everything you need to know about your sleep
health and fitness

Everything you need to know about your sleep

According to the Vedanta school of philosophy, a human being conscious experiences three levels daily. First is what we know as...
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The importance of sleep, as per Ayurveda
health and fitness

The importance of sleep, as per Ayurveda

“They can do most who sleep best”. This is a famous quote from a western scientist and it is true entirely. ...
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Effective Tips for Meditation Beginners

Effective Tips for Meditation Beginners

The most beautiful and amazing habit anyone can inculcate is meditation. Once you start loving it, you won’t be able to...
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Fast: Truly a Miracle for the Digestive System
health and fitness

Fast: Truly a Miracle for the Digestive System

A good diet helps undoubtedly, but fasting is a miracle. Giving complete rest to the digestive function is called upvaas and...
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Cure Diseases by 5 Elements: An Ancient Medical Practice
Nature Care

Cure Diseases by 5 Elements: An Ancient Medical Practice

Do you know that cure of any disease can be found in elements that are all around us? These are our...
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Fruit Therapy: Treatment with taste, it’s Naturopathy
health and fitness Home Remedies Nature Care

Fruit Therapy: Treatment with taste, it’s Naturopathy

Naturopathy and Ayurveda believe that humans are basically vegetarian. Neither the intestines nor the digestive system is fit for the consumption...
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These Habits will Change your Life Completely
health and fitness

These Habits will Change your Life Completely

In traditional Hath yoga, purity of body and its equanimity with the mind are two important pillars. It is expected from...
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Understanding the Link Between Depression and Diabetes
health and fitness

Understanding the Link Between Depression and Diabetes

The more medical science advanced in the 20th century and now in the 21st, the more doctors realized the many links...
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Yoga Asanas which can Relieve you from Cough and Cold
health and fitness

Yoga Asanas which can Relieve you from Cough and Cold

Cold and cough make us soo drained out and exhausted. It is worse to happen. Cough and cold literally block out...
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Easy and Effective Yoga Asanas for Eyes
health and fitness Meditation Nature Care Pranayama Uncategorized

Easy and Effective Yoga Asanas for Eyes

Computer screens, laptop, mobile, etc…we all day are occupied between these gadgets. Not only they affect mental well-being but also impact...
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Diet tips for pregnant ladies
Prenatal Yoga Uncategorized

Diet tips for pregnant ladies

Pregnancy is a different, beautiful yet difficult phase for a woman. There are people who will suddenly be your advisor and...
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Pregnancy Yoga Tips: Dos and don’ts during the Phase
Prenatal Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga Tips: Dos and don’ts during the Phase

Expecting? Or planning to extend the family? Try prenatal yoga. It will truly relax your muscles and make you at ease...
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Easy Yoga Asanas for The Third Trimester of Pregnancy
Prenatal Yoga

Easy Yoga Asanas for The Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Hurray!! You are going to be a mother soon. You are excited and so we are. As you enter the third...
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The basic concept of Transcendental Meditation for Beginners

The basic concept of Transcendental Meditation for Beginners

Just like water, the true nature of mind is peaceful stability. The thoughts are small impulses at the surface that causes...
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Yoga Asanas for the Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Prenatal Yoga

Yoga Asanas for the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Hey all gorgeous mommy-to-be, we hope you are having a happy time with your second trimester. Here we are with some...
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Yoga for the First Trimester of Pregnancy
Prenatal Yoga

Yoga for the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Woohoo!! Many congratulations! Blessed are those who get the chance to bring life to earth. Since you have conceived now, we...
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