Deviasana {The Goddess Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Deviasana {The Goddess Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Deviasana is also known as Utkata Konasana or Fiery Angel. Practicing Deviasana will generate not only creativity, but also emotional stability....
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Sukhasana {Easy Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sukhasana {Easy Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The Sukhasana is very simple to perform for people of all ages and levels of physical wellness. The term ‘Sukhasana’ is...
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Marjariasana {Cat Pose or Cat stretch}-Steps And Benefits

Marjari means cat in the Sanskrit, while attempting this Asana your body looks like a cat, who is stretching its body...
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Ananda Balasana {Happy Baby Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Name: - Ananda Balasana Meaning: - Happy baby pose The meaning of “Ananda” is happy, blissful, joy e.t.c. and “Bala” means...
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Balasana {Child Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Balasana {Child Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In Sanskrit meaning of Bala is ‘child’ and the meaning of Asana is the seat, pose, or posture. This Asana is...
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Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)-Steps And Benefits

Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)-Steps And Benefits

In Sanskrit Kurma implies Turtle or Tortoise, in this Asana your body looks similar to the tortoise in the final step...
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Shirshasana {Headstand Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Shirshasana {Headstand Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Name: - ShirshasanaSanskrit: - शीर्षासनMeaning: - Headstand PosePose Type: - Upside down Shirshasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Shirsha” which means...
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Chaturanga Dandasana {Four-limbed staff pose}-Steps And Benefits

Chaturanga Dandasana {Four-limbed staff pose}-Steps And Benefits

The word ‘Chaturanga Dandasana’ comes from Sanskrit, in which the meaning of Chatur is “four”, Anga means “limbs”, danda means “staff”...
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Urdhva Mukha Svanasana {Upward-Facing Dog Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana {Upward-Facing Dog Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In this Asana, Urdhva stands for ‘Upward’, and the Meaning of Mukha is ‘face’, the meaning of Svana is ‘dog’ so...
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Vrikshasana {Tree Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The name ‘Vrikshasana’ is comes from Sanskrit, in which ‘Vriksha’ means Tree and meaning of Asana is to seat, pose or...
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Karnapidasana {Knee to Ear Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit: - Karnapidasana Other Names: - Knee touching to ear pose, Ear pressure pose, knee to ear pose Preparatory Pose: -...
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Adho Mukha Svanasana {Downward facing Dog pose}-Steps And Benefits

Adho Mukha Svanasana {Downward facing Dog pose}-Steps And Benefits

Name: - Adho Mukha Svanasana. Sanskrit: - अधोमुखश्वानासन| Other Names: - Downward dog, downward facing dog pose. Position type: - forward...
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Health Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

Health Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is very important for every person. Most of diseases caused due to the improper lifestyle. In this we provided...
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Markatasana {Monkey Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit Name: - Markatasana. Meaning: - Monkey. Position: - Lying Down. In the Sanskrit language the meaning of word “Markat” is monkey...
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Sarvangasana {Shoulders stand Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sarvangasana {Shoulders stand Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In Sanskrit, Sarvangasana is the combination of two words (Sarva and anga) when these two words are combined together and form...
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Shalabhasana {Locust Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Shalabhasana {Locust Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Pose Name: - Shalabhasana Sanskrit Name: - Shalabhasana. Meaning: - Locust or grasshopper. In Sanskrit the word “Shalabh” stands for Locust or...
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Purna Bhujangasana {Advance Cobra pose}-Steps And Benefits

Purna Bhujangasana {Advance Cobra pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit Name: - Purna Bhujangasana. English Name: - Full Cobra pose (Advanced Cobra pose). In term of Sanskrit the word “Bhujanga”...
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Siddhasana {The Accomplished Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Siddhasana {The Accomplished Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit Name: - Siddhasana (The Accomplished Pose) Meaning: - Accomplish, achieve. Position: - Sitting Siddhasana is a Sanskrit word in which...
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Virasana {Hero Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Virasana {Hero Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit Name: - Virasana Meaning: - Warrior or hero. Position: - Sitting The word “Vira” is derived from the word of...
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Swastikasana {The Auspicious Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Swastikasana {The Auspicious Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Sanskrit Name: - Swastikasana. English Name: - The Auspicious pose. Position: - sitting Swastikasana is a Sanskrit word and which is...
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