
Ardha Matsyendrasana {Half Spinal Twist Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Matsyendranath supposedly practiced this asana (posture) and hence this asana is named after him. The simplified version of this is ‘Vakrasana’ which is described separately. SANSKRIT NAME: ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA ENGLISH NAME: HALF SPINAL TWIST POSE The technique of Ardha Matsyendrasana Keep the right foot by the side of the left buttock. Keep the left leg on

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Pawanmuktasana {Wind-Relieving Pose}-Steps And Benefits

SANSKRIT NAME: PAWANMUKTASANA ENGLISH NAME: WIND-RELIEVING POSE Pawan = wind, air, gas Mukta = relieve, release Asana = posture, pose The etymological meaning suggests that by performing this asana wind or gas (from abdomen) is released. Technique of Pawanmuktasana: From one leg alternatively Lie down on your back with your feet together and hands by

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Dhanurasana {Bow Pose}-Steps And Benefits

English name: – Bow pose. Sanskrit name: – : धनुरासन (Dhanurasana) Pronounciation: – DAH-noo-RAH-sah-nah. Another name: – Urdva chakrasana (Upward wheel pose). The name “Dhanurasana” comes from the Sanskrit words Dhanura which means “bow” and Asana means “posture” or “seat”. This body posture of this is named after the shape it takes-that of a bow.

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