
Ustrasana {Camel Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Ustra literally means camel and Asana means the pose. Hence the name is Camel Pose. Ustrasana makes spine flexible and provides...
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Paschimottanasana {Forward Bend Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Paschimottanasana {Forward Bend Yoga Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The word Paschim literally means west, Uttana means stretched out and asana is a pose. Here the word Paschim (west) doesn’t...
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Pawanmuktasana {Wind-Relieving Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Pawanmuktasana {Wind-Relieving Pose}-Steps And Benefits

SANSKRIT NAME: PAWANMUKTASANA ENGLISH NAME: WIND-RELIEVING POSE Pawan = wind, air, gas Mukta = relieve, release Asana = posture, pose The...
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{20 Minute} Yoga Schedule for Diabetes
health and fitness

{20 Minute} Yoga Schedule for Diabetes

How can yoga cure Diabetes? Diabetes can be controlled by practicing various yoga poses, breathing exercises, meditation, good diet and related...
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Meaning And Definition of Yoga

Meaning And Definition of Yoga

What does yoga mean? It is better to first understand the literal meaning of any subject or topic so that the...
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What is Yoga...?? Yoga is a perfect practical system of self-culture. It is an exact science which aims at the harmonious...
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Tadasana {Palm Tree Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The word “Tada” comes from the Sanskrit word, which meaning is “Palm tree” or another meaning is “mountain”, and the meaning...
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Setu Bandhasana {Bridge Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The word Setu Bandha comes from the Sanskrit word “Setu” which means Bridge; and the meaning of Bandha, is Lock or...
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Naukasana {Boat Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Naukasana {Boat Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The name Naukasana comes from the Sanskrit words “Nauka” which means “boat” and the meaning of Asana is “Posture” or “seat”....
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Dhanurasana {Bow Pose}-Steps And Benefits

English name: - Bow pose. Sanskrit name: - : धनुरासन (Dhanurasana) Pronounciation: - DAH-noo-RAH-sah-nah. Another name: - Urdva chakrasana (Upward wheel...
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Chakrasana {Wheel Pose}-Steps And Benefits

Chakrasana {Wheel Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The name “Chakrasana” comes from the Sanskrit words “Chakra” which means the wheel, and the meaning of Asana is “Posture” or...
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Garudasana {Eagle Pose}-Steps And Benefits

The name of garudasana comes from the Sanskrit words garuda meaning "eagle", and asana meaning "posture" or "seat".In Hindu mythology Garuda  is known as the king...
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Gomukhasana {Cow Pose}-Steps And Benefits

This name comes from the Sanskrit words Go meaning "cow", Mukha  meaning "head" or "mouth” and the Asana meaning "posture" or "seat". This asana targets...
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Surya Namaskar {Sun Salutation}-Steps And Benefits

Surya Namaskar {Sun Salutation}-Steps And Benefits

Getting up early in the morning and doing Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation yoga pose is one of a great way...
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Trikonasana {Triangle Pose}-Steps And Benefits

English name: - Triangle pose. Pronounciation: - Tree-kone-ahs-ana Sanskrit name: - Trikona. Position: - Standing. Preparatory poses:- Tadasana and vrksasana Trikonasana...
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Padmasana {Lotus Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In yoga, There are so many different – different Asanas. Padmasana is one of them. This is a simple and easy...
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Bhujangasana The Cobra Pose-Steps And Benefits

There are so many types of different Asanas in Yoga, all the asanas have their different-different body pose and benefits. Bhujangasan...
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{10-Minute} Best Yoga schedule to lose weight fast
health and fitness

{10-Minute} Best Yoga schedule to lose weight fast

In today’s fast running Technological world, people live their life style according to their work, not according to themselves. Now a...
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Pranayama: The Real source of energy

Pranayama is the technique of dealing with prana – the breath. Before moving to any of the pranayama techniques, let us first understand what prana is. What is...
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Power of Meditation

“Do you see a light when you are falling asleep?” “Yes, I do. Doesn’t everyone?” The boy’s voice was filled with...
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