Padma Bhujangasana Lotus in Cobra Pose steps benefits

Padma Bhujangasana (Lotus in Cobra Pose)

Here is an amazing combo of Asana, called Padma Bhujangasana (Lotus in Cobra Pose). Padma Bhujangasana is the combination of two poses: Padmasana (Lotus Pose) + Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). By this combination, it is known as Lotus in Cobra Pose.

Padma-Bhujangasana-Lotus-in-Cobra-Pose-steps-benefits.jpgPadma Bhujangasana (Lotus in Cobra Pose) is derived from the two words Padma+Bhujanga; in which the Padma means “Lotus” & Bhujanga represents Cobra. If you perform Padma Bhujangasana you’ll get the benefits of two Poses. Padma Bhujangasana is a backbend pose that targets your lower back especially. Padma Bhujangasana is an ideal pose for intermediate level Practitioners.

Name of Asana: – Lotus in Cobra Pose
Focusing Chakra: – The Heart Chakra (Anahata), The Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana), The Throat Chakra (Visuddha)
Level of Asana: – Intermediate

Steps of Padma Bhujangasana (Lotus in Cobra Pose)

  • First, sit comfortably in the Padmasana (Lotus Pose). If you find some difficulties to perform a full Lotus pose, then sit in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose, take your other leg up so that you enter the full Padmasana). Remain in the Padmasana/Ardha Padmasana for few deep breaths.
  • After that, keep your hands behind your knees with pushing by your palms or fingers, and shift your weight to your knees. When you lift off your sitting bones, move your hands to your knees and keep them in front of you.
  • Carry on leaning in a forward direction with help of your rolling knees. Try to adjust your knees & hands on the mat as per your need.
  • During the process, you have to keep your arms straight along with your hands equal to the shoulders position. Then, roll forward on your both knees and move your hands in a forwarding direction for your comfort. Start lowering your torso down on to the floor. Your belly is the first part to touch the floor, keep rolling down until your midsection (torso) is flat on the ground.
  • Next, keep your palms on to the floor just near to armpits, your finger spread, and pointing in a forwarding direction with your bent elbows pointing back. Make some force against the floor by your palms and arch your back slowly into a backbend.
  • You can extend your arms full if you have a flexible back. If you can’t extend your arms fully then keep your elbows little bent to regulate tension in the back.
  • Remain in the pose around 30 to 60 seconds or as much as you can but breathe deeply. For discharging the pose, keep your torso slowly onto the ground. Put your hands down and come to the initial position (when you lower down your torso don’t down your hands).

Tips for beginners: Lotus in Cobra Pose

Before performing Padma Bhujangasana, you have to master in Padmasana & Bhujangasana separately once you are master in both Asana; Padma Bhujangasana is not complicated for you. By this, your body and mind are prepared for more challenging poses but this is done only by hard & daily practice. Daily practice makes every asana easy so keep Practicing.

Benefits of Padma Bhujangasana (Lotus in Cobra Pose)

  • Padma Bhujangasana stretches and strengthens your abs, shoulders, glutes, quads, chest, lower back, groin, inner thighs, and Spine.
  • Lotus in Cobra Pose directly targets your quads, lower back, inner thighs and your chest also.
  • Lotus in cobra pose is also a good chest opener exercise.
  • It relieves anxiety, fatigue, and stress. Beneficial in lower back problems.
  • Padma Bhujangasana boosts the capacity of your lungs. Best for asthmatic patients.


Keep in your mind; breathe deeply in each and every step of Padma Bhujangasana. Keep a focus on keeping your hips even by pulling one slowly down (in this pose one hip may naturally lift up higher than the other).

Keep your weight evenly managed by your fingers. Do not overarch your back or neck this may cause muscle pain or injury. So bend as much as you are comfortable. Avoid Padma Bhujangasana in back injury, frequent headaches and in CTS (Carpal tunnel syndrome).

Pregnant women strictly avoid this asana and if you have difficulty in getting into the full Lotus pose then avoid this. For this first practice Lotus Pose.

Perform all the yogic activities under the supervision of an expert person. Follow the entire step in the right way, an incorrect position cause injury or harm to you. So be careful while you are attempting any Asana.

(#Just because of her#)

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