The word Garbhasana comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Garbha’ which means fetus or Embryo and the meaning of Asana is a seat, pose or posture. When you perform this pose, your body looks like a shape of a fetus. So This Asana is named so. Fetus Pose is a balancing Yoga pose; you have to maintain your body weight on your buttocks. It is excellent pose to control your anger as well as for your Nervous system.
Preparatory Poses – Kukkutasana, Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Tolangulasana (The weighing scale pose).
Level of Asana: – Intermediate.
Also Known as – Foetus pose, Embryo Pose.
Steps of Garbhasana (Fetus Pose)
Sit comfortably in Lotus Pose (Padmasana). Look straight and keep your spine erect.
- Now, gently insert your hands into the space between your thighs & calf muscles of your both legs.
- After that, bend your elbows around the calf muscles to hold your legs.
- Raise your legs along with the hands, breath out during this step.
- In the next step, by your right hand hold your left earlobe and with your left hand clasp your right earlobe.
- Maintain the entire weight on your buttocks. Remain in this pose as much as possible by balancing yourself. This is the final position. During this final stage breathe slowly.
- Keep your focus on your breath.
- For releasing the pose, release your hands from your earlobes and slowly lower down your legs on the floor. After that release your hand from between the legs.
- Place your both hands in Gyan mudra and come back to Lotus pose.
- Follow the same process for 3 to 5 times.
You can also keep your hands in the Namaskar pose, or hold your ear (right hand to the right earlobe and left hand to the left earlobe, this is a simple way, Do Garbhasana if you are uncomfortable to touch your earlobes by opposite hands as mentioned in the fifth step).
Benefits of Garbhasana (Embryo Pose)
- Garbhasana is beneficial for your adrenal glands and relaxes your mind. Best Asana for anger management and Nervous related problems.
- This Yoga pose, tones, and massages your abdominal organs.
- Improves the function of your digestive system & boost your appetite.
- Fetus Pose improves your sense of balance.
Those people who cannot perform Lotus Pose (Padmasana) comfortably don’t practice this pose. In case of hip injury avoid this; also avoid Fetus Pose in Pregnancy. Try to hold the final position for 30 seconds to get the benefits and day by day increase the time. Concern a doctor if you have a medical history. It’s important that, perform all the Asana & Breathing exercises in under the guidance of expert person.
(Say no to drugs)