Life energy is called Pran and giving full movement of life energy through breath control is called pranayama. Simply put the three techniques of breathing. In this article, we will understand the Pranayama, it is effective especially for yoga beginners.
1. Puraka- Deep inhalation
2. Rechaka- full exhalation
3. Kumbhaka- Holding the breath. Holding after inhalation is Antah Kumbhaka and holding after exhalation is Bhaya Khumbhaka.

Performing the Pranayama
Consciously performing the 3 processes in a particular way makes a practice of pranayama. There are certain pranayama that should be performed only by advanced yogis while others can be practiced by normal householders. Pranayama has astounding health benefits and once a certain degree of expertise is developed it paves way for spiritual growth as well. Yoga beginners should understand these 5 pranayama.
Here are 5 out of 13 Main Pranayama
Saral or Simple
Sit in lotus pose or any cross-legged posture you are comfortable in. keep your vertebral column straight as possible. Close your right nostril and slowly breathe in from the left nostril to a point where your lungs are filled, then hold the breath inside for 1 second. Now while closing the left nostril breathe out gently from the right nostrils. Do not inhale for the next 3 seconds. Now start the process from the right nostril while closing the left nostril. Do this simple breathing technique around 15-20 times.
Samvet or Along
Try breathing through both the nostrils and once lings are filled completely with air, perform antah Kumbhaka for 1 second. Now breathe out from both the nostril simultaneously. Practice this 10 times. Yoga Beginners should understand the pranayama deeply in order to perform it nicely.
Sahit or Together
Do Puraka from both the nostril the hold the breath inside for as long as possible. The exhale from both the nostril. Try doing it for 10 time at first.
Miscellaneous or Extra
It is same as the 3rd one with a difference that exhalation is done very slowly.
The above 4 can be done by man and woman of every age in the same order as described. You should do to boost your immunity and gain strength and vitality.
Nadi Shodhan
Yoga beginners should understand Nadi Shodhan pranayama properly. Keep the backbone straight and sit in across legged Siddhasana. Cover the chest face either north or east. Now use your right-hand thumb and ring finger to press the nostrils. Press the nostrils in such a way that the middle and first finger is raised towards the brow center. Now the nostril from which the breath is active, inhale deeply, and exhale deeply too. While doing this keep the other nostril closed. Repeat this 5 times. Now close that particular nostril. There should be absolutely no sound or fath sound while breathing in or exhaling. The intensity and speed of breath in and out should also be the same. Do this around 25 times a day.
Do This Next
After doing it for around 15 days you will see a change in practice. On the 16th day sit as described above. Close the right nostril and breathe slowly from the left nostril and exhale from the left nostril only. Now wait for 1 to 3 seconds and repeat the process from the right nostril. Practice 25 times a day for 15 days.
On the 31st day, either start breathing from the nostril that is active or you can start with the left nostril and do Puraka. Do antah khumbaka for 3-5 seconds.
You Should Know This
The ratio of in-breath, hold, and out-breath after good practice should be 1:4:2 or 1:6:4 or 1:8:6. If you feel any discomfit in increasing the ratio then it’s better to continue at a lower ration only. Once this pranayama is practiced for 45 days then daily 1-2 or 3 cycles can be repeated.
This pranayama has magical benefits as it cleanses each and every cell, tissue and organ system of the body. It increase positive aura, improves digestion and help remove even the heredity toxicity from DNA. It provides incredible peace and invigorating strength. People feel blissful state during deep focus on breath. Lungs are cleansed and their power fully restored. Mental strength increases and dizziness is cured completely.
Perform in a well-ventilated space
For yoga beginners to understand pranayama, you should know to perform it in a well ventilated space which is quiet and peaceful. Never do it in an open field, in sun, under a tree or near sea. Cover your body while doing this pranayama. Once you are able to master the internal holding of breath, then practice the outer holding of breath.
Sarvyoga Takeaway
Pranayama undoubtedly is magical for every human being. This pranayama information is especially for yoga beginners. One should always consider taking the guidance of a trained instructor for better understanding and perfect practicing.