If you are planning to practice yoga regularly, then this article is for you. Do pay attention. Each school of yoga has its definite rules and regulations to follow. If you as a student will make progress under your Guru’s guidance, your Guru will direct you to the next level. As Yoga is an ancient philosophy and a multitude of yoga forms are present, it is difficult to give a framework applicable to every one of them. Yet there are certain pointers one should always remember if trying to practice on his own in beginning.

Ground Rules if You are Planning to Practice Yoga Regularly
Planning to practice yoga asanas regularly! You should know that it is not advisable to start training without an experienced teacher but still under pandemic conditions if someone is trying to start the practice for immunity and better health.
- While practicing the body should be clean and normal. If you are very tired or very ill, avoid the practice of advanced yoga asanas and concentrate only on curative asanas.
- Before you begin practice make sure your bowels are clear, teeth and mouth are clean. A bath before the practice is better even if you want to have a bath later.
- The place of practice should neat and tidy, well ventilated, calm, and peaceful. If solitude is possible it’s even better.
- Smelly, congested, moist, wet, and crowded places should be avoided.
- You can practice according to your feasibility and schedule but fix that time of exercise.
- Empty stomach practice is best but 2 hours before eating and 4 hours after are good too.
- Time just before sunrise is most divine, spiritual, and refreshing.
- Once id 24 hour is enough. It should not be like going to the gym twice a day.
- Once you finish your practice, ¼ of the total time of practice should be given for rest. For example, if you did asanas and pranayama for 1 hour then you must have 15 minutes of rest before taking up any other work.
- If you have an overwhelming emotion of fear, revenge, anger, hatred, anxiety, etc. it is better to lie down in a corpse pose and relax rather than getting into any pose.
Diet Matters if You are Planning to Practice Yoga Regularly
During a period of practice, it is advisable to eat least of junk food, canned food or food with preservatives. Light, non-spicy and less oil food brings better results. Fresh fruits, green veggies, salads, milk, butter milk, butter etc. should be consumed in accordance to your tolerance levels.
- Fridge food items that are reheated either in microwave or stove is not recommended.
- Eat 20 percent less of your regular diet. For example, if you take 6 pieces of bread normally, eat 4 pieces only.
- Avoid tea and coffee if possible.
- Avoid any tobacco items or alcoholic drinks for the best result. Even if you are taking it you must not exceed 60 ml of alcohol 12 hours before you begin to practice. For smokers, it is advisable not to smoke 3 hours prior to and after the practice.
- Fried items are difficult to digest and heavy on the liver so make sure you have it once a week or two.
- Eat only when you have strong hunger. If you feel constipated, you can drink a few glasses of Luke warm water with a pinch of rock salt. Walking and doing Mountain pose, cobra pose, and abdominal twisting will help the cleaning of bowels.
- Keep salt consumption to the minimum.
- Trying to chew a single bite as many times as your teeth will help mix ample saliva in your mouth and neutralize the acidic bile in the stomach. Digestion works best when slow chewing is done.
Don’t Forget to Try These as Well
- Wake up early in the morning and start with few glasses of Lukewarm water before anything.
- If you are practicing yoga asanas and pranayama for curing a particular illness, please consult your doctor on a diet that is permissible.
- Sleep by 9 -10 pm and wake up early as a routine. Try focusing on the movement of your navel while natural breathing while lying straight on a bed or mat. Omphaloskepsis or navel-gazing is a technique for meditation and also to shun any negative thoughts.
- Few days into practice your hunger would grow and sleep will be deep. But one should make sure to wash face, elbow and foot till knee before going to sleep.
- Use normal water during summers to bathe and lukewarm water during intense winters. But never use hot water on the head. Always start pouring water from the head down.
- Do not go out in windy weather right after the practice.
- Don’t keep your chest uncovered while practicing in the winter season.
- Use insulated materiel as mat preferably a woolen cot or mat.
- Start with 10 minutes of Pranayama then 30 minutes of Asanas and then 10 minutes to meditate in an hour-long practice with a few minutes break between the three.
Sarvyoga Takeaway
The above mentioned information is generic and not applicable to any yoga school specifically. It is advised to be well read and informed if practicing on your own during pandemic. Online classes is a better option if available in your time zone.
Great Post. Yoga benefits are for everyone. Anybody who practices yoga will see a positive change and make them feel healthy.