Purvottanasana {Upward Plank Pose}-Steps And Benefits

In Purvottanasana, the meaning of Purva is ‘East’, meaning of Ut is ‘intense’ and the meaning of Tan is ‘stretch’. This is the reverse pose of simple plank pose. This pose is little bit tough, but if you are master in other plank pose then it’s easy for you. The Purvottanasana truly refers for an extreme eastbound confronting stretch. East likewise implies the front of the body and it is normally the bearing of sprouting potential and fresh starts. In English, this asana has numerous names – Upward Plank Pose, Inclined Plank Pose, Reverse Plank Pose, Inclined Plane Pose, Upward Plane Pose, or Back Bend Pose.

The east is the direction of beginnings, potential, and the area of the rising sun. When we lift our hearts to the rising sun, we recognize our developing light inside. We can all the more unmistakably see our own particular rising potential. Be that as it may, we can’t arrive alone. We draw on the quality of the center and the legs, and additionally the backing of the shoulders as they draw under underneath the base of the heart and lift it high. Pretty much as in our yoga routine of life, we can infrequently lift to our most noteworthy statures without backing. It takes a solid association with our center of quality; mental, passionate, and physical, to permit us to be unbound in our scope.

Steps of Purvottanasana

  • First get into the Staff pose (Dandasana).
  • Keep your hands behind your hips, in a way that your fingertips are facing towards to your feet.
  • Now bend your knees, keep your feet on the floor. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Breathe out and push your hands and feet strongly on the ground to lift your hips in such a way that they are parallel as your shoulders. Keep your arms straightened out.purvottanasana-steps
  • Include your spinal muscles as you rectify (straighten) your legs and point your toes in outward direction. Raise your hips as high as possible, and keep your gluts firm and also keep your legs strong.
  • Now raise your mid-section (chest) up and permit your shoulders to roll onto your back. Give your head a chance to hang behind you, yet be wary of your neck.
  • Remain in the pose about 5 to 6 breaths, after that breathe out and lower down your body and get into the initial pose.
  • Repeat this process around 3 to 5 times.

Scientific Aspects of Purvottanasana

This Pose is referring to open up the way to the inward light on an otherworldly (spiritual) level. The heart is viewed as delicate, yet this asana counter poses that thought. It permits the heart to ascend high, and permits the internal light to rise. Quite often, we set our impediments and imprint our limits. This asana opens up the locks and helps us look past these fears and anxieties. The enormous quality shaped in the arms, shoulders, and spine offers us the fearlessness to reprieve far from the obscurity and sparkle. The shoulders, core parts, and legs that are set underneath the heart give us that colossal quality to stay in this stance. 

Benefits of Purvottanasana

  • It stretches the chest, shoulders, biceps and the front of your ankles.
  • It strengthens your arms, legs, core and back.
  • It is an excellent counterpose for four- limbed staff pose.
  • It strengthens your arms, wrists, hamstrings and glutes.
  • Good therapeutics for depression or fatigue and relaxes your mind.

Preparatory poses: – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Dhanurasana, Supta Virasana, Gomukhasana (Cow face Pose).

Follow-up poses: – Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing pose) Paschimottansana.

Also known as: – Upward plank pose, Reverse Plank pose.


Avoid this pose if you have wrist injury, in case of neck injury use a wall or a chair for supporting your head. Do all the yog asana and pranayama in front of an expert person and consult a doctor in any medical issues.

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