
7 Step-by-Step Pranayama (breathing exercise) for Beginners

What about Pranayama? Is there any set of Pranayama is available for or mentioned for our Beginners friend. Don’t take tension; we make it easy for you. Yes, there is some simple Pranayama which is used as the session of breathing exercise for beginners by Trainers especially for new faces to Yoga. In earlier, we mentioned the Asana (Yoga Poses) for Beginners & now here we describe the most simple & easy to do 7 awesome Pranayama for Beginners.Pranayama-for-beginners-breathing-exercise-for-Beginnerss-step-by-step

Before we start, try to understand what is Pranayama in brief?

Pranayama is the combination of two words Prana+Ayama. In which the meaning of Prana is “vital energy” or “life force” and the Ayama stands for control, expansion or extension. Thus, Pranayama is the controlled breathing especially for healthy body, mind & also the soul.

Pranayama is the control breathing technique in which time of inhaling, exhale and retention is important. By practicing Pranayama you can use your breath to soothe the fluctuations of your active thinking mind (Chitta) and invites you to be mindful of life’s most vital function and that is breathing.

Pranayama works on your Mind, body, and soul and it directly gives a positive response to these three pillars by daily practice. In our view, Pranayama is vital energy for inner, outer region for every living being.

For more & deep information please go through to our Pranayama section and click the pranayama

Beginners, as well as Advanced level practitioners, will get the handsome plus points from Pranayama. All you have to do is reserve some time from your hectic schedule. Unroll your Yoga mat and choose any comfortable sitting Asana for Pranayama like Padmasana, Sukhasana or Siddhasana.

Pranayama (breathing exercise) for Beginners

Here are 7 awesome Pranayama for Beginners given below, let’s start your new beginning towards Yoga with awesome breathing exercise for beginners.

  • Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is the best Pranayama for Beginners and famous for its humming bee sound or buzzing sound. By its sound, it also is known as Humming bee breathes. Spending little time alone with the awesome sound of humming bee makes you feel calm and relax at all levels. Its creates vibration, thus you get amazing benefits from unique Bhramari Pranayama.

to know about steps and benefits: Bhramari Pranayama

  • Udgeeth Pranayama

Just sit comfortably in any Sitting Asana (Choose those sitting Asana in which are relax) and start chanting the sacred word “Ommmmmmm”. In this, you have to keep the sound O long and M is short that’s it. Udgeeth Pranayama is the easiest to do but very effective breathing exercise for beginners. Udgeeth Calms your mind, give relief from stress, anxiety and in depression also. It purifies your thinking process and improves the focusing level of your mind.

to know about steps and benefits: Udgeeth – (chanting the word Om)

  • Pranav Pranayama

Pranav Pranayama is simplest breathing exercise among all the Pranayama also very simple to do the breathing exercise for beginners. It stands last in the category of Pranayama (according to Patanjali Yoga Sutra). It is beneficial for controlling B.P. and also beneficial in mild Heart-related issues.

to know more about steps and benefits: Pranav Pranayama

Now it’s time for Natural Breathing

Yes, simple breathing can give you a positive response but in a control and systematic way. In this breathing exercise for beginners, you have to inhale & exhale but longer than daily breath/normal breathes (means deep breathing). When you inhale assume that your mind is calm & free from thoughts at the time of breath out assume that all the negativity is gone through. By this technique, you got positivity and calmness by your normal breathing but in a deep way.

  • Sahita Pranayama

In this Pranayama for Beginners, you have to breathe normally with retention of breath, means hold the breath. Relaxing or resting phase refers to retention (Kumbhaka in Sanskrit or simply taking the pause). Kumbhaka takes place in between the active process of breath in (inhalation) and breathes out (exhalation). Daily practice of this type of breathing technique boosts your physical endurance, mental power. But hold your breath as long as you can.

Sit comfortably close your eyes breathe in normally and then hold (pause) your breaths then exhale repeats this around 3 to 5 minutes. Beginners should start their Pranayama season with this Breathing technique. Day by day increase the time of holding, this will helps you in Nadi Shodhana Pranayama.

  • Feel the power of roaring Lion (Simhasana)

Simhasana or lion breath is also the form of breathing but you have to sit in a kneeling down position (keep your hips on your thighs). But give some gap in between your knees with palms facing down. Inhale when you exhale take your tongue and create a roaring sound same like Lion. By its name, it named so (Lion’s breath).

to know more about Simhasana

3 part breathing (Dirga)

Generally, Dirga is a Sanskrit word which stands for long; this Pranayama is done sequentially and in 3 phases. You have to perform step by step each phase. As Pranayama for Beginners, The first phase includes start from the diaphragm and filling up the abdomen. Next Phase, move the air into the lungs and the last Phase means lifting your chest up.

It’s not complicated just normal breathing breaks into 3 parts for filling the air. In normal breathing, you instantly inhale and then exhale. But in this normal breathing is done in a systematic way means step by step or slowly.

3-Part breathing or Dirga Pranayama is most suitable for all the new faces (Beginners) to Yoga. If you find some difficulty, you may practice this even in the lying down position but place a sandbag or thick blanket over your belly. By this, you can easily understand the 3 Phases. Sand bad or blanket will rise during breathe in the process and come out/fall during breath out. As beginners generally you feel shy about making Lion’s face.

(Here we give only general information about Particular Pranayama as breathing exercise for beginners, for detail click the link. Sahita, Dirga, and normal breathing are simple and steps for these mentioned above. So, for these three breathing techniques there are no links provided).


Don’t perform Pranayama in hurry. Calmly and comfortably perform the breathing exercise. First attempt this basic breathing exercise then go for next level of Pranayama (Anulom- Vilom, Nadi Shodhana, Surya Bhedana, Chandra Bhedana est.). When you perform Pranayama it’s necessary to follow the steps carefully and attempt them in a right manner. Whenever you start your yoga journey you must need guidance. Without guidance don’t attempt any Yogic activities.

(Quality in breath makes your life healthy)

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