Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)-Steps And Benefits

Surya_Bhedana_Pranayama_stepsSurya Bhedana Pranayama or Surya Bheda Pranayama is very effective and most important pranayama which is mentioned in Hatha yoga Pradipika. The meaning of “Surya” is Sun and the meaning of the word “Bhedana” is piercing, enter or breaking through something. In terms of yoga Right nadi (right nostril) is called surya nadi or Pingala, and Left nadi (left nostril) is named as Chandra nadi or Ida nadi. The right nadi is the entranceway of Pingala Nadi, speaking to the sun vitality, the hot vitality, or the manly vitality in our body. It is the vitality that is in charge of animation and physical work. By practicing Surya Bhedana Pranayama we are seriously initiating the sun vitality or as it was activating so as to make a leap forward of sun vitality the right nostril relaxing. Yoga propounds that in our body the place of Sun is close to the navel and also the moon within the skull. Whereas the moon contains a cooling result, and the sun creates heating impact. In this process we use right nadi (right nostril) to breathe in (inhalation) and the left nostril for breath out. This process is also named as Viloma type of Pranayama.

This concept has been in all probability derived from the actual fact that the food we eat is digestible within the part of the body close to the navel. Digestion is purportedly control by heat, of that the Sun is that the supply of. The air breathed through the Right nadi is purportedly makes an effect on alternative kinds of important energies in our body. Because of this impact these energies amass close to the foundation of the navel that is meant to possess an excellent significance in arousal the Kundalini.

How to Perform Surya Bhedana Pranayama

Without Bandha

  • Sit comfortably in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
  • Keep your head and spine erect with eye closed.
  • Shut your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
  • Now breathe in (inhale) slowly and deeply through your right nadi.
  • After that, shut your right nadi with the thumb of your right hand.
  • Then exhale through your left nostril, along with keeping your right nostril closed.
  • This is one cycle is completed.
  • Repeat this process around 5 – 10 times.

With Bandha

  • Sit comfortably in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Swastikasana.
  • Keep your head and spine erect with eye closed.
  • Shut your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
  • Now breathe in slowly, deeply and quietly (without making any noise while inhalation).
  • When inhalation is completed, then shut your right nadi (right nostril) with your right thumb, left nadi is closed also.
  • Hold your breath and make Jalandhar Bandha and Mula bandh also.
  • Now hold the position with bandha for 5 to 10seconds. (Hold your breath with lock (bandha) as long as you can.
  • Release Jalandhar bandha and open your left nostril and exhale slowly.
  • Repeat this act for 5 to 10 times.

During this activity you ought totally in an accompanying way:

Count to 2 amid inward breath, to 8 while holding the breath and to 4 amid exhalation. Once you perfect in this Pranayama you can also increase the time ratio like 4, 16, 8 or 8, 32, 16, depending on your capacity.

Jalandhar bandha

(While holding your breath bends your chin downward resting it on the throat pit).

Mula Bandha

(During the process of retention try to pull upward your anus).

Benefits of Surya Bhedana Pranayama

  • Surya Bheda Pranayama activates the body functions.
  • Very helpful for increasing the digestive fire.
  • Best for awakening the Kundalini Shakti.
  • Surya Bhedana Pranayama cures all diseases that are caused by the insufficiency of oxygen in the blood.
  • It cleans the frontal sinuses.
  • Beneficial in Vata related problems.
  • It destroys intestinal worms.
  • Best for winter sessions.
  • If you feel cold in your feet or hands then try this.
  • Surya bhedana pranayama creates lots of energy.
  • Boost the Appetite.
  • It is the best breathing exercise for cold and cough, Asthama, or other respiratory problems.
  • A best and simple method in Low blood pressure.
  • It cures gas problems.
  • Best for those Women who are suffering from a lack of sexual desire.
  • Useful in Leucoderma and other skin related problems.


You can begin with the low checking and after that expand it. In the earliest reference point of your practice you can even begin doing it without Kumbhaka (the holding) and Jalandhar Bandha. That will make you feel greater with the relaxing. At that point you gradually bring those components into the activity.

People, who are experienced high blood pressure problem, don’t try this. Those people who have experienced brain surgery or heart surgery should take advice from medal expert or yoga expert before doing Surya Bhedana Pranayama. Always do Pranayama in a systematic way and in under the supervision of an expert person.

Other Breathing Techniques

What is Pranayama

  1. Pranayama: The Real source of energy
  2. The Concept of Pranayama

Also Visit: Yoga Poses

6 thoughts on “Surya Bhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)-Steps And Benefits”

  1. Hi ,

    Very nicely explained chandra and surya bhedan pranayam with benefits .
    can we do this pranayam one by one ,whats the best time to do it ?

    1. Thanks for your precious comment, yes you can do these pranayamas in sequence (one by one) and the best time for Pranayama is Morning but if you don’t have ample time, then you can also perform in evening also. but follow the instructions in a right manner

      Thank You,
      May God bless you

    1. If you’re a beginner Then perform Surya Bhedana Pranayama around five minutes. Day by day increase its time. Remember one thing avoid this Breathing technique in High B.P. Also perform Kapalbhati & Nadi Shodhana Pranayama.You can also Take Tulsi Giloy Juice for your problem.
      For Joint Pain perfrom Tadasana, Makrasana, Bhujangasana, Adho

  2. Regarding Surya Bheda and Chandra Bheda Pranayamas; the Entire description for those are interchanged. Bheda means against. Suryabheda means against Surya Nadi that is Pingala, that is not breathing from right nostril. Breath is taken in through left and breath is Released through Right, so the hot air from the body is thrown out. This controls the body temperature by reducing heat from the body.
    The Same applies with Chandrabheda pranayama also. Please ensure complete reference from any Old Texts regarding Pranayama before publishing. Because people who follow this get reverse results and get side effects. I wish you people consider this and taking care before publishing to the foreign followers.

    Thank you
    M S. S. Shankar
    Master Jiva-Brahmaikya Kundalini Raja Yoga Sadhana

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