In Sanskrit meaning of Bala is ‘child’ and the meaning of Asana is the seat, pose, or posture. This Asana is a counter posture for different asanas and is normally attempted prior and then afterward Sirsasana. Balasana is a curve or bend pose, which extends and discharges the spine and lower back. You can utilize this posture as a warm-up represent, a resting posture, or a counter stance for a backbend exercise.
In this asana, the body confronts the floor in a fetal position. The knees and hips are bowed with the shins on the floor. In this, your chest can lay either on the knees or the knees can be spread to about the width of a yoga tangle, permitting the mid-section to go between the knees. The head is extended forward towards the ground – the brow may touch the ground. The arms might be extended forward before the head or in reverse towards the feet.
You ought to encounter your spine stretching when you drop the heaviness of your hips to your heels and keep your head to the floor in a relaxed way. Inhale equitably all through the Pose and envision your body resting with each inhales. Extend your arms forward as opposed to keeping them alongside you to extend the shoulders and Place your forehead on the on your collapsed (folded) arms to lessen the weight on the temple(forehead) or to empower your temple to touch the floor.
This posture is exceptionally agreeable and ok for all aside from the general population with knee issues or hypertension Keeping support between the knees to keep put abdominal area, arms and head will make the stance more agreeable and helps pregnant or large individuals Placing a thick cover between the heels and posterior and sitting on it will help you to sit while diminishing the strain on knees and hips.
Name: – Balasana
Meaning: – Child Pose, child resting pose
Position: – sitting
Suits: – Everybody
Steps of Balasana (Child yoga Pose)
- First, sit straight and comfortably in Vajrasana or table pose with your spine erect.
- Now breathe out gently and try to bend your body in the forward direction towards your thighs.
- After that try to touch the floor by your forehead.
- Place your hands in the forward direction in a way that they ought to totally lay on the ground and ought to be casual (Your hands should be adjacent to your feet and keep your hands to back direction just near to heels with palms facing up).
- As you touch the floor by your forehead, just close your eyes and start counting your breath. Breathe in and breathe out slowly at that moment.
- Try to hold your body in this posture for up to 2 minutes (Day by day increase the time).
- By inhaling release the pose and get back to your initial position or Vajrasana rest for while and repeat the pose about 3 to 5 times (During the process don’t give any strain to your body).
Benefits of Balasana (Child Yoga Pose)
- It stretches your lower back and relaxes the spine.
- It strengthens and stretches your thighs, ankles and muscle of hips.
- It gives calmness to mind, and slow down the level of stress and fatigue.
- It is useful in back pain.
Avoid this Asana in knee injury, joint pain, or high blood pressure problem. Pregnant women do not perform this Asana. Perform all the Yog Asana and Pranayama in under the supervision of an expert person or teacher.