Pregnancy is a different, beautiful yet difficult phase for a woman. There are people who will suddenly be your advisor and will come to teach you something or the other. Most importantly, you should also know about all the dos and don’ts that should be followed in this crucial period of life. You’ll be handling so much body and hormone changes which has a straight connection to your appetite, mood, health, mental stability, etc. Some might feel anxious, worried, sick, puckish, and some might be having smell issues. Most of the ladies suffer from a lack of calcium, iron, etc. Sarvyoga wants to take care of yourself, and here in this article, we will talk about a few diet tips for pregnant ladies.

Pregnancy diet is important, read a few tips
Diet during pregnancy is not only important for you but equally important for your baby too. So you better don’t take it too lightly. An unborn baby needs proper nutrients and essential things for growth. Whatever a mother eats goes to the baby inside too. So, it is very important to take proper care of yourself and have a balanced diet regularly during pregnancy. Another reason for proper diet is, that during pregnancy either body will shed excess weight or will put on too many kilos, so do eat properly and in the right direction. Along with this, practicing yoga regularly will give strength to the body. There are different yoga asanas for different trimesters of the pregnancy.
Diet tips for pregnancy
If you or your known lady who is pregnant or preparing to extend the family must start to take the right diet with proper nutrients. A few months’ diet plan will work, so take the help of your doctor or dietician and start making it. Make sure your diet helps you to boost your immunity and increase your strength. We would suggest something that will help you and your kid inside the womb. Do not forget to consult your doctor before starting this plan. Here are a few diet tips for pregnant ladies.
- Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. You may also consider drinking juice/coconut water to increase the water inside you.
- Eat foods made with whole grains. Oats are the best. You may also have juar etc.
- Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must.
- Avoid sugar, or reduce it. Make sure you do not inculcate problems like sugar or diabetes.
- A big no to liquor.
- Say goodbyes to packaged food and also packaged juice.
- Iron, calcium, vitamins should be eaten properly and regularly. Consult your doctor for the dose.
- If you see morning sickness within you, you better start lemon water. You may add ginger, coconut, etc to stay away from morning sickness.
- Incase of day-time sickness, consider eating salad, yogurt, etc.
Sarvyoga takeaway
At Sarvyoga, your fitness and health is our first priority. We bring information as per our doctors and practitioners. It is always advised to consult your instructor/doctor before following any kind of plan. Along with this, practicing yoga regularly will give strength to the body.
Calcium is best obtained through food sources. Yet a calcium supplement can help the mother in meeting nutrition needs during pregnancy. Sufficient Vitamin D intake also helps in calcium absorption.