In Sanskrit Mala means necklace or Garland and Asana stands for pose, seat or posture. This pose is also known as “Squat Pose” or “Upavesasana”. It is, basically, a squat. Hunching down falls into place without a hitch for children and individuals who work in the fields. In any case, the individuals who have work area employments have lost practice and think that it’s agonizing and uncomfortable to do Malasana. However, that ought not demoralize you from doing Malasana (Garland Pose) since it is, truth be told, most helpful to the individuals who have an inactive way of life.
Style of Asana: – Hatha yoga
Level of Asana: – Basic
Steps of Malasana (Garland Pose)
Start by doing squatting. During this, put your feet near to each other, with your heels on the ground or supported on the floor.
- Now stretch out your thighs, putting them smoothly wider than your torso.
- Breathe out and bend forward in a way that your torso fits comfortably in between your thighs.
- Now make Anjali Mudra (Namaste posture) by your palms, by your elbows make some pressure against the inner thighs. By this the front part of your torso is stretched.
- Then press your inner thighs against the side of the middle (torso). At that point, extend your arms, and swing them crosswise over with the end goal that your shins fit into the armpits. Hold your lower legs (Ankles).
- Remain in the pose for 60 seconds. Breathe in and release the pose..
Pose Alterations
Increase the extend in your crotches by setting one hand on the ground, on the internal parts of your foot, and extend the inverse hand towards the sky. Bend and hold. At that point, rehash the posture on the opposite side
The Benefits of the Malasana (Garland Pose)
- Malasana Stretches your thighs, hamstrings, lower back, the sacrum, the groin.
- Strengthens hips, digestive system and spine.
- Garland Pose Improves your posture and tones the belly.
- Makes your ankles and knees flexible.
Preparatory Poses: – 1) Upavistha Konasana, 2) Virasana (Hero Pose), 3) Baddha Konasana
Follow-Up Poses: – 1)Adho Mukha Svanasana, 2) Uttanasana, 3) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Avoid Malasana (Garland Pose) if you are suffering from knees or lower back pain.
You should try to keep your stomach and guts empty before you rehearse this asana. Have your meals no less than four to six hours before you do the pose so that your nourishment gets processed and there is sufficient vitality for you to use amid the practice. Practice and guidance is very important, so keep practicing under the supervision of an expert.